Life around forests

The Boreal Forest Belt is scarcely populated.

Life around forests

The Boreal Forest Belt is scarcely populated.


Norrbotten  County Population Density

Piteå is located in the Norrbotten county.  This county is the northernmost and also the largest county of Sweden. Its surface is 98,244.8 km2. Primary and secondary boreal forests in Sweden are located in this area. However, the number of inhabitants in 2017 was around 251,080. 

If you want to learn about the region, this is a good resource: Regionfakta 

This is the formula to calculate the population density:


Taking into account that according to the World Bank the average world’s population density in 2020 was 58 inhabitants/km2 (see source), the population density of Norrbotten country in 2017 was very low.

Why is Norrbotten of scarcely populated?

Factors affecting population density can be natural (geographical and climatic conditions) or human (economy, politics, cultural reproductive patterns).

Climatic factors are those explaining best the low population density of Norrbotten because it is a rather flat country (positive factor), with abundant water (positive factor) but not very rich soils (negative factor) and a subboreal climate (negative factor).

In the case of human factors, unemployment is between 2.2 and 5.5 % while the average Swedish rate was 6.7% and the number and size of forestry and mining-related industries is important. 


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